Questions to Ask Your AirBnB Cleaners

When it comes to hiring a cleaner for your AirBnB or short-term rental, there are many factors to consider.

Perhaps one of the most important factors in a successful host/cleaner relationship is clear and concise communication. This communication begins, believe it or not, in the way you "interview" your potential cleaner, the expectations that are set before an initial cleaning, and the questions that are asked, both by the host, and by the cleaning company. Here are a few questions that we have found are vital to setting expectations that lead to a quality result in the working relationship, and give Hosts a better idea of what to expect from a potential cleaner.

 How do you handle laundry and Linens?

 Some cleaners offer an all-inclusive cleaning package including laundry and linens, while others do not. Make sure to inquire about this before you make a decision as to who to hire. Ask questions such as: Do you provide fresh linens? What is the process for laundering items?

An important thing to keep in mind is that linens can be a costly investment, especially when you consider that, if they are being washed onsite, you may need to purchase 2 or 3 sets of everything for the home.

Many cleaners do opt to clean linens on site, but this does have its drawbacks. For one, the time that it takes to clean linens can add up very quickly. Residential grade washers and dryers simply are not designed to wash the amount of bedding linen and towels that we, as short-term rental hosts, are putting through them. This means that turnovers take longer, and thus, you as the host will likely be charged for the increased time that a contractor is on site. Additionally, 9 times out of 10, the cleaner is going to stuff the machine as full as possible, and run it through a quick wash cycle. Although this may be enough in some cases, most of the time these sheets are simply getting wet and then dried, not truly cleaned. This results in more stained linen, more hair left after the washing process, and overall a less than desirable experience for your guests.

Another option is to use a company that washes linens offsite, with commercial grade machines. This is definitely the better option, however, the companies that can offer this are limited, and may not be able to take on your units right away or in an emergency. There is also, typically, a lengthier on-boarding process due to the need to purchase, inventory, and track these linens. This does have its own costs, however, at scale and done correctly can actually be a more cost effective option for both hosts and the cleaning professionals.

Linens are a make or break item for guests. No one wants to get into bed after a full day of travel and exploring only to be met with sheets that aren't crisp, clean, and smell great. Having issues here can instantly lead to bad reviews, requests for refunds, and more headaches for you as a host, making this a very important question to ask your cleaners.

 How do you handle the restocking of supplies?

 When working with a short-term rental cleaning company, it's important to ask them how they handle the restocking of supplies. This includes things like toilet paper, paper towels, coffee, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, dish soap, laundry detergent, trash bags, and other consumable items used in the rental space. You should also inquire about their process for tracking inventory so that you can be sure your guests are always receiving freshly stocked amenities, and so that you do not ever run out of these items.

 Most of the time, it is common for hosts to purchase these items, and leave them stocked in a locked supply closet on site. The cleaners are then given codes to these closets, and can ensure that everything is fully stocked and ready for the next guests. Although this is a simple solution, it does not always work out so simply. Many times, cleaning companies may use these items at other units, that you do not own. They may not remind you when you are running low, only to leave guests with too little toilet paper, resulting in late night runs to the store, or having to pay a huge delivery fee to get the guests what they need.

 Another option, and one that we at Honeysuckle decided to use, is for us, as the cleaning company, to purchase all the necessary supplies and amenities for your home, and re-stock them each time and simply include this service in the price of each clean.

This does a few things for both hosts, and us. Firstly, we are able to purchase these things in high bulk quantities, meaning that our clients receive a large-scale discount that they would not be able to get on their own. Things like trash bags or paper towels can add up quickly, so being able to supply these items with large bulk orders, and passing those saving to our clients, was a no-brainer for us. Additionally, it allows us to manage the inventory directly, meaning you do not have to worry if you have enough coffee pods for the next guests, you don't have to order and ship to the house, only to have the items "misplaced" by current guests, cleaning staff, or porch pirates.

 Either way, the amenities and supplies that will be provided, as stated in your listing, are an extremely important part of the guest's experience. They are expecting these items to be there, and if they aren't, it can cause issues and headaches for you as the host.

What are the chemicals that you would use to clean various surfaces in our home?

 All-purpose cleaners are great, but not for AirBnB's. There are too many surfaces that need to be pristine for guests, and one chemical does not fit all situations. Many companies, in order to be more efficient, will use all all purpose cleaner on everything, which not only doesn't necessarily provide the best clean, but can also be damaging to the material if the wrong chemical is used.

 Be sure to speak with prospective companies about what solutions they use for things like counter tops, appliances, bathrooms, glass and mirrors, fabrics, floors, and furniture. It is extremely important to ensure things like wood, painted walls, stainless steel appliances, toilets, and glass all have their own chemical solution that is formulated specifically for that surface.

Do you have a software or system for scheduling, reporting issues, or reporting photos? Do you have any system for quality control?

 I know, I know, more software to help manage your short-term rental? It often seems like there are 1,000,001 "solutions" for AirBnB's, yet the majority of them are built for a singular purpose, meaning you have to have 5 or 6 just to start. There are a variety of great softwares options for managing cleanings and turnovers. There are even some solutions that allow you to find cleaners, and schedule them automatically.

 I would encourage anyone who is interviewing a prospective cleaning company to ask about what software they are familiar with, if they have used the scheduling software that you use to manage your bookings, or if they have one that they would recommend.

 At Honeysuckle, we onboard properties into our system, and create a "listing" for each unit outlining specific details, requirements, and staging photos for our staff. This app also allows us to  report issues or damages, notifying our owners and managers, so that they can solve the problems before guests arrive. Additionally, having a software system that enables us to upload photos directly, and allows our owners to view and track them, is extremely important to ensure that we are accountable, to get more eyes on the unit, and to have proof of the properties condition before guests arrive.

In conclusion, there are many great cleaning companies out there, however, there are also many who see this emerging industry as a quick cash grab. Short-term rental cleaning is a very specific niche, meaning that not everyone who cleans residentially will be a great short-term rental cleaner. There are things that guest's look for that are learned over time, and having someone on your team who understands these specific areas, from a guest and host's perspective, enables you to have piece of mind that your unit will be 100% guest ready, on time, every time.

If you have short-term rental properties in Nashville, and are looking for a cleaning partner that will be able to give you operational piece of mind while consistently providing a 5-Star level cleaning, we would love to talk with you about how we can best serve you an give you more time and energy to focus on growing your business. You can reach out any time via Email, phone, or you can fill out an interest form and we will contact you!


How to Find the Right AirBnB Cleaners for Your Short-Term Rental